Staff Directory
Guidance Office
About CHS
Corbin High School is the only high school in the Corbin Independent School District. The school is located in southeastern Kentucky on Interstate 75 in Corbin, KY. The city of Corbin has a population of approximately 15,000 people and is midway between Knoxville, TN, and Lexington, KY. Corbin has the distinction of being near Cumberland Falls State Park as well as being composed of three different counties: Whitley, Knox, and Laurel.
Corbin High School has an excellent reputation for academics in the community, state, and southern region of the United States. The curriculum contains over 100 different course offerings that are available to all students and is designed to provide pre-college, accelerated, Advanced Placement (AP), and vocational/technical instruction. The faculty is well-trained with
nearly 95% of its members have a Master's Degree or higher.
Corbin High School has been an accredited member of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools since 1925, is fully accredited by the Kentucky Department of Education, and is a member of the Southern Region Educational Board. In 2009, Corbin High School was selected by the Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC) as one of only 30 high schools nationwide to be included in the CREST project. The CREST project is designed to identify high schools that standout in their ability to prepare students effectively for college.
Weighted Scale
A = 5.0
B = 4.0
C = 2.5
D = 1.0
F = 0.0
Unweighted Scale
A = 4.0
B = 3.0
C = 2.0
D = 1.0
F = 0.0
Our Grading System
The class schedule for Corbin High School is set in twelve-week intervals. Three 12-week trimesters make up the school year. Furthermore, class grades are reported at the end of each trimester.
The following standards for grading are prescribed:
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 - 89
C = 70 - 79
D = 60 - 69
F = less than 60
Students are assigned a final grade at the completion of the course.
Grade point averages (GPAs) are determined using the scale above.
Click here for more information on Accelerated Classes, AP Classes, Career Pathways, Dual-Credit and College Credits, Graduation Requirements, and Technical/Career Offerings
Our Mission
The mission of Corbin High School is to provide opportunities that will help prepare each student for a successful transition to college, the workplace, and life.
Education will be provided cooperatively through competent and professional educators, supportive families, and an involved community.
Students are expected to accept responsibility in the learning process.
Our Programs and Capabilities
Special Programs
Co-operative Work Experience, Career Options class, Peer Tutoring, JROTC, Outdoor Classroom, Communication Academy with four components (TV station, radio station, print media, and theater), Project Lead the Way (national engineering program), Video Production, Youth Service Center,
Paws Print Newspaper, Yearbook Staff, Marching and Concert Bands, Concert Choir, Student Advisory, Freshman Center, Transition to College senior Math and English classes, Performing Arts Center, Career Majors, Work Ethic Seal Program, MAPCA (Mountain Academy for the Performing & Creative Arts)
Available Technology
Nine computer labs with 290 computers, several mini-computer labs with up to 10 computers, graphing calculators, CBLs (Calculator-Based Laboratory), Promethean boards and Smartboards in classrooms, three classes of TI-Navigator Systems, CAD (Computer Assisted Drafting),
Adobe Photoshop, Accelerated Reader, film editing equipment,
digital cameras and scanners, radio station
Extra Help
ESS Tutoring (Extended School Services) is offered in core classes Monday-Friday from 7:30 to 8:00 A.M. and Tuesday and Thursday from 3:25 to 4:30 P.M. (transportation provided).
The CHS Media Center is open from Monday-Friday until 5:30 P.M.
for extra help and credit recovery as well.
Clubs and Organizations
Academic Team, Beta Club, Engineering Club, Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America,
First Priority & Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Foreign Language and Travel Club, Forensics/Speech, Future Business Leaders of America, Future Educators of America, Health Occupation Students of America, Key Club, Monday Afternoon Book Club, National Art Honor Society, National Honor Society, Odyssey of the Mind, Pep Club, Philosophy & Religion Club, PRIDE Club, Relay for Life Club,
Science Olympiad, Senior Science Club, Skills USA, Student Council, Student Energy Club, Student Technology Leadership Program, Student YMCA Leadership, Thespian Society, Unite Club, Yoga & Fitness Club